If you caught the first on our series you’ll have heard me talking a little about the benefits of royal jelly and how combining royal jelly along with the other substances from the hive, provides you with the complete spectrum of nutrition.

Well, what are those other substances and what’s in them?

The other substances removed from the beehive along with royal jelly are bee pollen, propolis and honey. So lets take a closer look at the next in our series – bee pollen.

The 4 main Bee Products –

  • Royal Jelly
  • Bee Pollen
  • Propolis
  • Honey

 About Bee Pollen

Plant pollens are collected by bees and the pollens are combined with bee secretions during the trip back to the hive. The combination results in a very nutritious substance which is a moist, quite sticky pellet, or ‘granule’.

It’s common to slightly dehydrate the granules to remove some water content to help increase the shelf-life. The level to which the moisture is removed varies from manufacturer to manufacturer. Some retain more moisture and require the product to be refrigerated, where it might stay fresh for a month or two. Others remove more moisture to the point where the granule is completely dried. It can then be optionally ground into a powder for encapsulating, where it can be stored and used for up to 3 years.

We dry our bee pollen to various stages depending on the end use. We sell whole grain bee pollen in capsules which is the most moist of our pollens. We sell bulk pollen granules in 1 pound bags, which is a little dryer. And we sell powdered bee pollen in our combination formula, which has had 99% of the water content removed by a cold-air process.

Bee Pollen levels of dehydration –

  • 90% water removal – Whole Grain capsules
  • 95% water removal – Bulk Granules
  • 99% water removal – powdered capsules

Personally, my favorite way to take pure bee pollen is via our whole grain bee pollen capsules. You’ll see the integrity of the pollen is retained in the granules yet you still have the convenience of a capsule.

So what is bee pollen good for?

Bee Pollen is taken widely for –

  • Stamina and Energy
  • Weight loss and regulation
  • Cravings suppressant
  • Allergy control
  • Immune system health

Well, it’s taken widely by athletes around the world for energy and stamina. Legendary boxer Muhammed Ali used bee pollen on a daily basis for added energy.

It’s used widely in weight loss programs. Part of it’s benefit to weight loss comes from the way in which it acts as an appetite suppressant. In fact it doesn’t just suppress appetite, it can help with other unhealthy cravings too, like nicotine and alcohol. It also contains a substance called ‘rutin’, which has long been associated with losing weight.

Perhaps its most common use is in the treatment of seasonal allergies. It’s often used, and occasionally even prescribed, as an alternative to a prescription antihistamine. It can have the effects of gradually de-sensitizing the system to allergens. It can steadily cause your body to build its own immunity to the allergens which bother you, like rag weed to give just one example. Obviously, allergies can be quite serious, so I always recommend people use health products under medical supervision.

  • Bee Pollen works silently from the inside to boost the immune system
  • A healthy immune system leads to longevity and quality of life

But what I like most about bee pollen is its potential to help boost the immune system

Alongside royal jelly, propolis and honey, it works silently from the inside to support immunity and balance and regulate hormones. Sure, people can get a quick boost from bee products, but personally I’m much more interested in how they deliver their nutritional benefits slowly and over the longer term. It’s this that gives them the reputation for being ‘longevity’ products.

A natural and holistic approach to health shouldn’t be a retroactive process where we get sick then hit Google looking for natural remedies, it should be about prevention. Supporting our bodies on a daily basis with natural substances packed with vitamins, minerals and essential amino acids, and acquiring these substances from reputable companies like The Natural Shopper, companies who know how to get the products to your door nutritionally intact.

I ended the first in this series of articles by talking about the benefits of combining all four bee products into a daily vitamin regimen, rather than just taking bee pollen on its own, or royal jelly on its own.

There’s a neat little booklet you can buy online by Rita Elkins MH, where she talks specifically about a special synergy which exists from taking all four bee products together.

Taking bee pollen in combination with royal jelly, propolis and honey provides a healthy ‘synergy.

We provide this synergy with our best selling products –Total Bee Plus

 Of course if you were to buy all four products separately, you’d have more expense and the inconvenience of taking a lot of pills every day. Plus, you wouldn’t really know how much to take of one compared to the others.

So we took all of this tough decision making and inconvenience away from you when we developed our Total Bee Plus over a decade ago.

Total Bee Plus combines all four important products from the hive into one optimized capsule. Take the recommended 4 caps daily and you’ll get 5000 milligrams of active ingredients, providing you with all of the benefits which make these products so popular around the world.

Buy ‘Total Bee Plus’ form your local retailer here

Stay healthy!